Sustainability Overview

Sustainability Vision and Goals

Our vision for sustainability is a sustainable innovation for every customer challenge. This vision guides our efforts across our portfolio of operating companies and team of approximately 24,000 employees. We remain focused on operating sustainably to meet the goals of our customers, realizing the full potential of our employees by fostering an inclusive culture that supports and values their efforts, and strengthening the communities in which we operate.

Throughout our history, our commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainability has created significant value for Dover. In 2020, we began implementing a three-year plan to expand our environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) disclosures, metrics, goals, and oversight. This journey commenced after extensive dialogue with our stakeholders and with the strong support of, and collaboration with, our Board of Directors.

As part of our initial three-year plan, we launched our sustainability webpages to disclose key sustainability performance indicators, established a Sustainability Steering Committee to drive the integration of sustainability into business matters, and conducted a materiality analysis and ESG goal-setting exercise to set goals for our five strategic topics: Energy and EmissionsInnovation for Sustainable ProductsEmployee Health and SafetyDiversity and Inclusion, and Talent Attraction and Development. For more information about our progress in each these areas, please select a strategic topic below.

Dover's Sustainability Vision

A sustainable innovation for every customer challenge.

Redefining what's possible...

...for a sustainable planet

Climate Action

Driving down our operational greenhouse gas footprint
Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 market-based GHG emissions 30% by 2030 from a 2019 base year


Developing products and services that help customers meet their sustainability goals
Reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emission 15% by 2030 from a 2019 base year by innovating lower emission products

...for an effective sustainability governance model

Please visit the Dover website for more information on our sustainability governance and our commitment to transparent reporting.

In 2021, we launched our 2030 climate action goals, which are approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We developed these science-based targets (SBTs) and other goals focused on our five strategic topics after rigorous discussion with stakeholders. We are committed to tracking our progress, renewing these SBTs and other sustainability goals as appropriate, and continuously improving performance in our ESG strategic topics.

ESG Areas of Focus and Materiality Analysis

We pursue sustainability initiatives that support our employees, customers, and communities to ensure our businesses continue to create long-term value for our shareholders.  

Our five strategic topics are a subset of our eighteen ESG areas of focus. Our ESG areas of focus define the topics that are more important to our business and our stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, suppliers, and customers. These areas of focus were identified and prioritized in our materiality analysis conducted in 2020. The results of our materiality analysis are available here.

Please select a topic to explore in more detail below.

* Dover strategic topics

The analysis began with developing a list of relevant ESG topics from internal and external resources, including our long-term business plan, topics reported by peers, and those identified as material by industry standard setters. We also considered feedback received from investors on sustainability matters solicited during our engagement efforts. We used these topics to guide interviews with a wide variety of business leaders from our operating companies and the Dover corporate center, including human resources, supply chain, legal, investor relations, and operations. By engaging representatives from across our business, we gained important insight into the perspectives of our most important stakeholders such as our shareholders, employees, suppliers, and customers on relevant ESG topics.

The findings from the materiality analysis were used by our Sustainability Steering Committee to identify the ESG topics that are most critical to our company. We view the results of the materiality analysis through the lens of our long-term business plan and values to prioritize actions and allocate resources. For each sustainability topic, we are applying our expertise, innovation, and resources to drive progress. These ESG areas of focus guide our sustainability strategy and transparent reporting of ESG matters to our shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, and broader communities.

2022 marked the end of our inaugural three-year sustainability plan, and as part of our next three-year plan, we intend to update our materiality analysis to respond to the changing sustainability landscape, external environment, stakeholder perspectives, and business areas of focus. In 2023, as we embark on our new three-year plan, we are focusing on key initiatives to drive progress on our goals and evolving our ESG reporting to keep pace with leading frameworks.

Our Sustainability Reporting Approach

In addition to reporting our progress annually through our sustainability webpages, we publish indices aligned to the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) reporting framework and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and summarize the results of our climate scenario analysis in our Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Index. We also disclose key environmental impacts to CDP, through our annual response to the CDP Climate Change and CDP Water Security questionnaires. We are committed to focusing on and making progress against ESG metrics and targets that are material to our business, while reviewing our governance over ESG metrics to continuously improve their reliability.

About Us

As a diversified global manufacturer and solutions provider, we leverage global scale, operational agility, world-class engineering capability, and customer intimacy to lead in the markets we serve. Our core strengths of ownership, entrepreneurship, and accountability support our ability to deliver innovative products and solutions to our customers.

We deliver innovative equipment and components, consumable supplies, aftermarket parts, software and digital solutions, and support services through five operating segments:

Engineered Products provides a wide range of equipment, components, software, solutions and services to the vehicle aftermarket, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, industrial winch and hoist, and fluid dispensing end-markets.

Clean Energy & Fueling provides components, equipment, software, solutions and services enabling safe and reliable storage, transport and dispensing of traditional and clean fuels (including liquefied natural gas, hydrogen, and electric vehicle charging), cryogenic gases, and other hazardous substances along the supply chain, and safe and efficient operation of convenience retail, retail fueling and vehicle wash establishments, as well as facilities where cryogenic gases are produced, stored or consumed.

Imaging & Identification supplies precision marking and coding, product traceability, brand protection and digital textile printing equipment, as well as related consumables, software and services to the global packaged and consumer goods, pharmaceutical, industrial manufacturing, textile and other end-markets.

Pumps & Process Solutions manufactures specialty pumps and flow meters, highly engineered precision components for rotating and reciprocating machines, fluid connecting solutions and plastics and polymer processing equipment, serving single-use biopharmaceutical production, diversified industrial manufacturing, chemical production, plastics and polymer processing, midstream and downstream oil and gas and other end-markets.

Climate & Sustainability Technologies is a provider of innovative and energy-efficient equipment, components and parts for the commercial refrigeration, equipment and systems, heating and cooling and beverage can-making equipment markets.

For more company information, please visit our About Dover page.

Dover Highlights

Graphic - 15 operating companies around the world

Graphic - $8.4b 2023 Revenue

Graphic - 24,000 employees in 2024