In support of our ongoing focus on achieving operational excellence, our global facilities are working to implement the 0DOVER Operational Excellence Model, a comprehensive model to drive transformational processes resulting in enhanced facility performance in the areas of safety, quality, delivery and productivity.
Since 2020, eight Dover facilities attained Operational Excellence certifications:
DFS - Austin, TX (Level 2 Certification)
DFS - Dundee, Scotland (Level 1 Certification)
OPW - Hamilton, OH (Level 1 Certification)
DPC - Houston, TX (Level 1 Certification)
DPC - Glasgow, Scotland (Level 1 Certification)
DPC - Guaymas, Mexico (Level 1 Certification)
MAAG - Grossostheim, Germany (Level 1 Certification)
MPG - West Chester, OH (Level 1 Certification)
We are proud of these facilities for their cross-functional and creative efforts to attain these achievements. Our journey continues going into 2022, and we will further expand our implementations of 0DOVER and strengthen our operational foundation.

Pictured above: Employees at Dover Precision Components in Guaymas, Mexico receiving the Level 1 0DOVER Operational Excellence Certification.