Recently, a renowned international data center management company needed a conductive, leak-free, zero-permeation plastic pipe system for their new data center in Paris, France. This system supplies diesel to the backup generators that provide electricity to the facility if the regular power supply is interrupted. A power outage at a facility like this could be catastrophic due to the service it provides, making a reliable emergency power system critical. To solve this problem, the facility has several backup generators.
As the use of data centers has increased, their requirements have evolved significantly. In recent years, this has led to a growing need for efficiency, reliability, and reduced downtime risk, driving an increased focus on value over cost. OPW’s KPS plastic (polyethylene) pipe system provides data centers and cloud facilities like this one with reliable, safe fuel transfer solutions to supply facilities’ backup generators.
KPS piping was specified for this project to connect the diesel tanks with the backup generators on the roof, and to connect the remote fill points to the diesel tanks, providing an easy-install, electrostatically safe solution.
Due to the data center’s location in an urban center, the generators were installed on the roof of the building, while the fuel tanks were located below ground. KPS’ conductive double wall polyethylene piping proved to be a perfect solution for this data center.
To learn more about KPS piping in a variety of applications, visit
OPW’s KPS double wall piping connects the diesel tanks with the backup generators at a new data center facility in Paris, France.