Community Engagement and Philanthropy

As part of our commitment to community engagement, we encourage our operating companies and employees to be involved in the communities where we operate, and we offer programs to support local charitable and philanthropic efforts. We believe that philanthropic engagement extends our ability to make a positive impact on our local communities beyond our operations and is a meaningful way to foster employee goodwill.

The Dover Foundation (“Foundation”), established in 2011, seeks to support not-for-profit organizations, causes, and programs that promote education and literacy; diversity and inclusion; the advancement of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) initiatives; and other local community needs identified and supported by our operating companies.


The Foundation believes education plays an important role in sustaining individual and societal improvement and promoting strong communities, a vibrant economy, and a skilled workforce for the future. The Dover Scholars Program is a significant way the Foundation demonstrates its commitment to education.

Diversity and Inclusion

The Dover Foundation integrates diversity and inclusion considerations into its outreach efforts. For example, Dover is a proud partner of the American Heart Association (AHA), and as a part of our sponsorship, we supported STEM Goes Red, which is the AHA initiative to deepen the pipeline of women entering STEM careers through mentorship, knowledge-sharing, and networking opportunities. STEM Goes Red is addressing a significant gap in STEM opportunities for young women: 70% of participating students attend underserved schools without extracurricular STEM programs. In 2023, over one hundred high school girls from the Chicago area attended the annual STEM Goes Red event, and participated in networking, panel discussions, and breakout sessions with leaders in STEM industries.

Advancement of Stem

For nearly a decade, the Dover Foundation has been a partner to Shedd Aquarium, which serves more than 180,000 students annually through group visits, a component which Dover supports. During that time, Dover has provided integral support to launch and fuel programs such as the Shedd Science Educators Conference, Aerial Robotics, Teen Learning Lab, Camp Shedd, and the Education Access Program.

The Dover Foundation partnership with Shedd Aquarium supports the following educational programs:

  • The Teen Work Study Program provides young adults representing the socio-economic diversity of the Chicago area with a paid internship and the opportunity to learn about the natural world and its aquatic environment. The program also enables participants to gain important work experience that supports with college and career readiness. This program is expected to grow to include more than 100 participants annually by 2026.
  • The Summer Splash Program provides access to youth in grades K–5 to explore Shedd Aquarium habitats, and participate in hands-on activities, outdoor games, crafts and more.

The Summer Road Trip is a camp that exposes middle-school students (grades 6-8) to an aquatic habitat in the Chicago area to learn about marine animals and the human impacts on those habitats – both positive and negative. Campers participate in investigations, community science projects, environmental stewardship, nature exploration, and reflection.

In addition, since 2021, the Dover Foundation has supported the Museum of Science and Industry’s Black Creativity program. This initiative focuses on STEM education programs that empower curiosity and creativity in Black communities.

Dover Scholars Program

The Dover Scholars Program awards scholarships to high school seniors and college students who are the children or dependents of Dover employees, with selections based on each student’s academic performance, leadership abilities, and extracurricular activities. Dover Scholars Program recipients are eligible for a recurring or multi-year scholarship of up to $3,000 per year for a maximum of $12,000 for their undergraduate studies. All awards are made on a competitive basis by an impartial, outside committee comprised of academic professionals with student evaluation backgrounds from prominent universities. During its 13-year history, the program has awarded 433 scholarships valued at nearly $3.2 million in financial support.

Community Involvement

Our commitment to community engagement goes well beyond philanthropic giving. Dover operating companies around the world donate products and empower their employees to volunteer their time and talent in the communities where they live and work. Please see below for the latest stories of our passionate employees making an impact in their communities.

Community Partnerships

The Dover Foundation regularly partners with institutions and organizations in support of its focus areas: education and literacy, diversity and inclusion, and advancement of STEM initiatives. The Dover Foundation places a particular emphasis on initiatives that serve to enhance science education opportunities and technology experiences for students. The Foundation believes that the collective impact of its philanthropic investment and engagement efforts are amplified through its partnerships with respected local organizations. In 2023, the Foundation provided nearly $240,000 in grants and contributions through community partnerships.

The Dover Foundation is especially active in the Chicago area, where Dover maintains its headquarters, but also partners with local organizations in many of the communities where Dover’s operating companies are located. We encourage our operating companies and employees around the world to be engaged and active members of the communities where they live and work, and where Dover does business. To assist our operating companies in their efforts to make a positive impact, the Dover Foundation makes available grants of up to $5,000 to qualifying organizations when a contribution of equal or greater value is made directly by the local Dover operating company. These grants support a wide range of community needs, including hunger, health, social, and youth services.

  • Dover Employees Recognized With 2025 Women Make Awards from the Manufacturing Institute

    Mar 06, 2025

    Dover Corporation (NYSE: DOV) announced today that two of its employees have been named 2025 Women MAKE Awards Honorees by the Manufacturing Institute. Shivani Hundiwala, Manufacturing Engineer at Dover Food Retail, and Ashley Ramsey, Senior Manager, Environmental, Health, Safety and Sustainability at Dover Corporate, are among 130 women nationally to receive the honor.

    “We are incredibly proud of Shivani and Ashley for receiving this well-deserved recognition,” said Jeffrey Yehle, Dover’s Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer. “Their achievements reflect the kind of innovation, dedication, and leadership that make a difference every day at Dover.”

    Read full story

The Dover Foundation in the Community

Our key partners include:

  • MSI
  • Shedd
  • Childrens Museum
  • kohl children's museum logo
  • WBEZ
  • American Heart Association Logo

We also proudly support:

  • Junior achievement
  • USO
  • Midtown Edu
  • Project Hero
  • Indo-American Community Services Logo
  • GWC_Final-Logo_Teal
  • LOGO
  • logo


The Dover Foundation, in partnership with our operating companies, has supported many important community programs, including the following:

  • Belvac Production Machinery, Inc.: Jubilee Family Development Center, the United Way of Central Virginia campaign and its Annual Day of Caring, Home for the Troops and Habitat for Humanity.
  • Blackmer: Cornerstone University and Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative
  • CPC: Second Harvest Heartland and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
  • Cook Compression: Susan G. Komen Foundation – Houston
  • Dover Food Retail: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, American Cancer Society
  • Dover Fueling Solutions: ABF The Soldiers Charity
  • Dover Precision Components: Kentucky School for the Blind Charitable Foundation, Special Olympics Texas, Inc. and Centerfield Elementary PTA, Safer Foundation
  • Hillphoenix: Van Buren County Hospital & Clinic and Indian Hills Community College
  • Hydro Systems: Teen Challenge Cincinnati
  • Inpro/Seal: Aspire and Junior Achievement of the Heartland
  • MAAG: Pestalozzi Children's Foundation, Six District Educational Compact - Engineering Academy
  • Markem-Imaje: Monadnock United Way
  • OPW: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Shared Harvest Foodbank, Inc., Teen Challenge Cincinnati, and Alzheimer’ Association, HBCU Career Development Marketplace, World Affairs Council of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky
  • PDQ: Make-A-Wish Foundation of Wisconsin
  • Pole/Zero: Teen Challenge Cincinnati
  • PSG: Laura’s House and LGBTQ+ Center on Halsted
  • TWG: Make A Wish Foundation of Oklahoma
  • VSG: Community Foundation of Madison & Jefferson County, King's Daughters' Hospital Foundation, Fondazione Città della Speranz and Wake Tech Community College Foundation
  • Waukesha Bearings: Antigo Area Food Pantry, Asante® Foundation, Aspire of Illinois